Entity Recognition

What is Entity Recognition?

Entity Recognition, also known as Named Entity Recognition (NER), is a frequently used task in data science and natural language processing. It involves identifying and classifying key information (entities) in text into predefined categories such as names of persons, organizations, locations, expressions of times, quantities, monetary values, percentages, etc.

Importance in Political Intelligence

In the context of open-source political intelligence, entity recognition helps in extracting relevant information from vast amounts of political data. This can include identifying political figures, organizations, events, and locations from news articles, social media, and other sources.

Using Flair’s NER Model

We use the Flair model for English NER, specifically the ner-english-ontonotes-fast model. This model is based on Flair embeddings and LSTM-CRF and predicts 18 tags with an F1-Score of 89.3 (Ontonotes).

As this is a microservice, we can use basically any model for NER. This model was chosen for its wide array of possible entities. If you want to change the NER model, the Pydantic Models for the Entities and the functions that save articles in the postgres service need to be modified.

Predicted Tags

CARDINALcardinal value

DATEdate value

EVENTevent name

FACbuilding name

GPEgeo-political entity

LANGUAGElanguage name

LAWlaw name

LOClocation name

MONEYmoney name


ORDINALordinal value

ORGorganization name

PERCENTpercent value

PERSONperson name

PRODUCTproduct name

QUANTITYquantity value

TIMEtime value

WORK_OF_ARTname of work of art